PCC Boards at Wanda Fish Frye


PCC Boards at Wanda Fish Frye


The movement toward a more alternate surf craft gained a little more momentum with the first ever FISH FRY event at Wanda recently. Roger and I carried some interesting boards down to the grassy area near the kiosk and lay them down among other resting surfboards. Included in the pile were EPS and Urethane shapes in the form of singles, twins, quads and tri’s, no thrusters today. I have included a couple of shots Ben DiDonato(the curator of the show) sent across to me. The simmons, junior diver, tri set up’s are working very well in their development of design and ride.

A very recent inclusion is pictured below, the twin fin nick named cimi cimi, which is a side cut design that was built for Brad Grills. Mr Grills has informed that the cimi cimi is going very, very fast, turning heads with the early crowd.


Stuart Paterson

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