Around the year of 1970 there were transitional times world wide. In surfing, as in the working world we were experiencing rapid changes. A time for invention and innovation, surfboard shapers across the globe were attuning to the short board revolution. Creating some ground breaking craft that were launching the sport into the new decade, with more freedom to express their powers in the water. The surfers of these times were becoming timeless names in the sport. Peterson, Nat Young, PT and Terry Fitz, were going to different places in the waves. New dances of beauty and aggression were spawned on these progressive craft.



Here in the fast lane of post 2010, we are seeing a renewed interest in looking back at what those great surfers must have felt. The free style, the glide and carve and to be closer to the source of power of a wave was what those days were about. I remember coming up with a few words to express the modern view to surfing verses the soul view. It went like this…. “We rode the waves on our surfboards, now they are riding their surfboards on the waves”. If you get what I am on about, you may get the feel for this model I’ve included in the PCC range. This hybrid of old and new technology, single fin PCC has been loosely named 1970.


As of the mid 2012, we’ve been building the PCC 1970 single fin model at a rate of about one per week. The response has been very positive from riders of varied weights and ages. The PCC 1970 single gives the customer an opportunity to express themselves in the make and the ride of the board. We’ve built this one mainly with a retro feel in mind. Regarding the look and build, a classic Michael Peterson white tint or a vintage cloth inlay may be your choice. These boards are generally built to last, with a light weight surfboard not as much of a paramount attribute. The recommended dimensions vary from surfer to surfer, according to the riders body size and weight. For a 75 kg surfer we might build a sub 6 foot board by 19 and a half inches wide. For someone in the high 80 kg range the board would be 6 foot 3 or 4” by 20 and a half inches plus and over 2 and a half  inches thick.


Stepping out of the fast lane of life onto one of these 1970 single fins could well be recommended surfing therapy, some day sooner rather than later.