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6 foot 3 Re-do
The very nice powder blue Re-do, is a re-make of a six four I rode for a while in the last year.
I loved everything about this board and got some great waves on her.
Alas, she now resides at my friends house near Byron so I was compelled to honour her in this show.
This single is a little early 70s and a little late 70s, with a few modern nicks included.
This would be one sweet ride in a good push.
The word Re-do is brush painted on the foam, then pale blue laminates and fillers over.
A 9 inch Alkali fin is included, though many fins would work great in this with varying feelings.
Open to many interpretations.
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5 foot 3 Teeth Nerve mini simmons
In a word, FUN, is what this little shape is all about. A small wave speed machine the mini simmons is growing in reputation world wide.
I have been developing my version of the mini simmons for a number of years now, riding a fair number of varieties within the parameters of the simmons theory.
A fast and lose twin fin set up suited to a surfer up to the mid eighties in kgs.
The colours are aligned with a 1/4 them that developed in the making of this all by hand series. The splash of colour of the rear quarter wrapping is a catchy theme, the remaining majority of the board is tinted white.
The fins are of my own design built at Alkali fins, in Balina
- ALKALI – Hand made twins
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7 foot 6 mid-length Supermodel
This beauty is modelled off a the mid length I have developed over the last six or so months. The tail is a little sharper that the last few that have been built. This board can handle small to medium sized waves with ease. The mid length is some what of an all round board for some one looking for the classic glide, very easy and dependable board.
The glassing is all over 6oz in bright yellow, with black fillers apart from the 1/4 that is also tinted yellow. The fillers sanded back giving the mottled shabby effect.
A 10 inch Greenough is suitable, though a 9 inch flex fin would be fun to experiment with in smallish waves.
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9 foot 3 log – Every Animal Inside – The last board to be made in the series.
This lovely log is a remake of a mid sixties George Rice that is owned by stylish Young local rider Jake Bevan.
Built in a classic style with rolled bottom, pinched rails and plenty of 6oz glass. The name comes from the colours layered on through the glassing process. Each layer of glass is independently applied in a different colour, 4 in total. After the laminations the filler coats are also coloured, including the finish coat that is tinted golden amber.
Every animal inside, hard to tell, but they are there.
Very classic sixties board for just about anyone who likes a log ride.
Nice big 11 inch Greenough Alkali fin included.