In 2009 after developing and riding my version of the mini simmons for the period spanning september into march 2010 I tacked into a new direction in surfboard designing.I wanted to test my new found understanding of a planing hull incorporated into a performance short board. The first boards I tinkered with were a 5’7″ for Grant Muir and a 5’9″ for myself, both 21″ wide. There was relatively high success right away, the board was nick named the Pcc Stuey Diver. These boards worked very much in tune with my imaginative theory on surface area into more acute rail angle and way flatter than I had experimented (outside of the simmons concept) bottom curve.

Later I moved toward a slightly longer version that could hold it’s rail up to 5 feet of surf, keeping the concepts of the Pcc stuey diver at the fore front of the design. The model was nick named the Pcc Junior diver (which is a pinch of gibson guitar influence) this has turned out to be the most popular Pcc design over the last couple of years. My version of this design is 5′ 10″ X 20″ X 2 1/2″ made from styrofoam and CET epoxy coating.
The board pictured is one that we built for the Swellnet Pcc board review, ridden and later written about by the Swell Net editor Stuart Nettle. Stu’s board is 5 foot 10″ long by 19 3/4″ and 2 7/16″ thick, the colour is tinted into the polyester resin. The recent report on this board is both thumbs up from Stu.
